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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Grandchildren caught red handed-

Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 6: 45 am | updated: 11: 39 am, FRI Sep 24 2010.

Had forgotten what it was like for small children around the House when we are promised us the daughter we can watch her three children week.We were really excited. they live for about 14 hours away, so we see them as often as we would like.

The day finally arrived, when he accepts children we met.They ran times to meet the US shout, "Gampa! Gamma!" The youngest, Luke, only 18 months old, yelled from the others, aloud while I am sure that he did not have any idea as to why he was saying.

We took them home and there was one hour before Luke had increased page counter bathroom and distribute the toothpaste from all over the walls and mirrors, I don't wash, keep in mind that the 18-month-old can climb. We went through the House and make sure that everything was out of reach, but it was less than an hour later, that he was to overthrow the suntan lotion mattoon is brand new bottle tried to.I have no idea where he had that.

My two granddaughters wanted to help me milk cow, so we trudged out from the Center.I learned quickly that the manure piles are a magnet for small children. If the whole barnyard manure pile was only one, somehow both successful step was made When all milking., I had to spend cleaning their shoes before my wife let House 15 minutes.

We picked raspberries together. My granddaughters by my side picked.

Gampa "," little Annee said: "these white taken as you taste the berry good."

"No, Sweetheart. Should only calendar Red filters. "

He pulled all of his bucket white filters, and before anything could say, he shall be mine. "This Gampa. Give them to you. "

While recording to hurt his feelings, so I had to wait until he was looking to select them.

We had pancakes at breakfast the next morning with vadelmanviljelyyn jam.We found Luke loved not only vadelmanviljelyyn jam, but he could drink raw milk gallons.He will come to the table almost every hour, and that is to say, "Pzz" and point to the cup.We have tried always to pay attention to him and give him some milk, but the one in the evening, when Madame was over, no one was paying attention when he has risen table.

It was Okay for him, because the milk gallon and vadelmanviljelyyn jam bowl were both sitting in I came and found she had a little card containing milk gallon and you try to add some when he brought his little fist out is left blank, then he stretched forth his hand lick and redo it.He accepted that sticking his hand vadelmanviljelyyn jam bowl and grab a handful that tries to.He was a jam and milk all over his face. can say, I got him red-handed, but he grinned only to me is happy grin.

(I) establish him his jam to go and to introduce some bread milk kupissa. when he was all done eating, he is in a waterbath. my wife bathed in him, but the story once collected my two granddaughters and my daughters around me two lowest. when we are, they all gave me a big hug and a kiss off to bed and my wife to bring into force the little Luke. my arms and clean, baby shampoo, and a towel wrapped haistaisi. She snuggled against me, and smiles, fell asleep.

Yes, I had forgotten what it's like the House is surrounded by young children.

Posted in opinion on Saturday, September 25, 2010 6: 45 am. updated: 11: 39 am | Tags: By Daris Howard

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